Alliance Medical Limited is owned by iCON Infrastructure LLP (iCON), a limited liability partnership incorporated and registered in England and Wales.
-Andromeda Holdco Limited, Andromeda Midco Limited and Alliance Medical Acquisitionco Limited (“AMAL”) are the UK holding companies for a group of companies that operate in several countries including the UK.
Andromeda Holdco Limited, Andromeda Midco Limited and Alliance Medical Acquisitionco Limited do not trade themselves; the business in the UK is operated through its subsidiary companies set out below:
Alliance Medical Limited (“AML”),
Alliance Medical Radiopharmacy Limited (“AMRL”)
Alliance Medical Leasing Limited (“AMLL”)
Alliance Medical Holdings Limited (“AMHL”)
Alliance Diagnostic Services Limited (“ADSL”)
Alliance Medical Diagnostic Imaging (Northern Ireland) Limited (“AMDI”)
European Scanning Centre (Harley Street) Limited (“ESC”)
Lodestone Patient Care Limited (“LPC”).
(“Andromeda Holdco Limited, Andromeda Midco Limited, AMAL, AML, AMRL, AMLL, AMHL, ADSL, AMDI, ESC and LPC” together being referred to as the “UK Entities”).
AML is a provider of complex diagnostic imaging services, and these services have been provided for more than 30 years either through itself or its other trading subsidiaries ADSL, AMDI, ESC and AMRL. AMDI is a provider of complex diagnostic imaging services in Northern Ireland working in conjunction with the Alliance Medical diagnostic imaging business in Ireland. ESC is also a provider of complex diagnostic imaging services which utilises innovative and advanced scanning equipment. AMRL manufactures and distributes radiopharmaceutical products which are used in conjunction with the diagnostic imaging services. AMLL purchases scanning equipment that is used by AML at certain sites to provide its diagnostic imaging services and is the principal contracting party for construction and development contracts for certain new sites. The UK Entities work collaboratively with clinicians, public and private healthcare organisations, and academic institutions to provide high quality and cost-effective diagnostic imaging services and radiopharmaceuticals to its customers and for its patients.
The UK Entities’ supply chain includes procurement of scanning equipment and associated information technology equipment, transportation of mobile scanning units and radiopharmaceuticals, agency staff, medical and non-medical consumables, and construction and maintenance of buildings.
The UK Entities are committed to combating the real and growing problem of modern slavery and human trafficking.
Recognising that it can affect any sector or industry, we take seriously our responsibility to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in our wider supply chain.
Our expectation is that our people and our suppliers share our commitment to ensuring modern slavery and human trafficking do not exist in our business or supply chains.
Employment policies and procedures throughout the UK Entities are designed to treat all individuals who work within our businesses with dignity and respect, to reward them fairly for their work and not to exploit them.
Our commitment is to work with organisations in our supply chains that have a commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking and adhere to our values.
Whilst it is the obligation of those organisations to operate their own policies and procedures to achieve that objective, we will develop and build upon our existing practices to ensure we take all reasonable steps to verify compliance by all our material suppliers with the provisions of the Act, including requesting new and existing suppliers to sign up to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
A high-level assessment of our supply chains and the potential for slavery and human trafficking has been completed. Most of our suppliers are based in the UK, and many are operating in specialised rather than low skilled industries and pose a lower risk in terms of compliance with the Act
However, we recognise that some of our suppliers operate in sectors that are potentially higher risk and that some services may involve relatively high levels of contracted labour (for example textiles relating to staff uniforms).
We continue to periodically review and re-assess the risks and are committed to procuring goods and services in a manner which recognises the importance of human rights; we expect all our suppliers to honour and observe the same principles.
If there is evidence that a supplier is non- compliant with our policies and contractual requirements, we will take action to address the shortfall, either through a performance improvement plan or, ultimately, through termination of contract.
Each of the board of directors of the UK Entities has approved this statement for the financial year ending 30 September 2023
Nick Burley– Chief Executive Officer
March 2024