Alliance Medical BSM

Where quality meets service

Alliance Medical BSM has long been a trusted, reliable supplier of high quality nuclear medical products.
Our focus is not only on the quality of our solution for injection for tumour detection, but also on the quality of service that we offer our customers.
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Our company

Alliance Medical BSM is your specialist for nuclear medicine injection solutions for cancer diagnosis in Austria, Hungary and Serbia. And we do even more!
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Our employees

The Alliance Medical BSM team consists of specialists who are there for you with special know-how and expertise!
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Our story

Alliance Medical BSM has stood for competence and service since 1972 and has since developed from a medium-sized company into part of a global player!
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Improving quality of life

The standards we set for our service and our products are tirelessly high. Through constant clinical research and consistent quality checks, our products are designed to increase patients' quality of life through accurate, reliable diagnostics.

Above all, our distinctive customer orientation makes us a strong partner and lays the foundation for long-term, trusting customer relationships. See for yourself and speak to us!
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About us

Nuclear medical competence from a single source

From research to sales, Alliance Medical BSM offers nuclear medical solutions from a single source. We not only manufacture our FDG radio diagnostics at the Lower Austrian research centre Seibersdorf ourselves, but thanks to our close-knit network we also take over the sale of nuclear medical products in Austria, Hungary and Serbia. We are constantly developing our products and guarantee the best possible quality through broad clinical studies.


Cyclotron Seibersdorf

Alliance Medical BSM installed its own cyclotron in the Seibersdorf research and technology centre, about 30 kilometers south of Vienna. In this particle accelerator we produce our radio diagnostic agent based on 18F-fluoxyglucose, which can be used as a solution for injection for tumour detection.


Great performance, short distances

Alliance Medical BSM combines global competence with a strong, local network and, as a logistics expert, guarantees smooth sales and fast delivery times for the supply of nuclear medical products.

Our team

Knowledge and experience

Every day, our employees implement the high standards that Alliance Medical BSM places on itself with their in-depth know-how and years of experience. Specialists from a wide variety of disciplines – from research on nuclear medicine to radiopharmaceutical sales – ensure that both our customers and their patients are completely satisfied and receive the best possible care.

Group Chief Financial Officer

Howard Marsh

Managing Director

Mag. Elisabeth Wess

Sales Manager

Wolfgang Domschitz

Product specialist

Marlis Ledolter

Product specialist

Sebastian Ledolter

Internal sales and accounting

Julia Mayer

Radiopharmacy Managing Director

Axel Schmidt

Internal sales

Denise Szlaga

Internal sales

Christoph Kamptner

Internal sales

Sabrina Reiseder


January 8, 2024

F-con GmbH takes over ZAG Zyklotron AG

Life Radiopharma

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July 23, 2024

In Hanover: lung check on wheels

HANSE study 2021

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Our story

From medium-sized to global player

Founded in 1972 by Fritz Schedlmayr, Alliance Medical BSM quickly developed into one of the most successful owner-managed nuclear medicine companies in Austria. In 1996, Alliance Medical BSM began its cooperation with the Seibersdorf research centre, shortly before its 25th anniversary, where it has been operating a particle accelerator ever since. Since 2017, Alliance Medical BSM has been part of the Life Healthcare Group, one of the world market leaders in the pharmaceutical and health segment.

1972 | The foundation

2013 | A new chapter

2017 | Think local, act global!

In case of any drug reaction or adverse event, customers are advised to contact us immediately.